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Case 3 Landfill

LCA Studies


The use of Geosynthetics leads to lower impact in nearly all categories:

  • ~ 69% lower overall climate change impact of the construction and disposal efforts of a conventional drainage layer.

  • ~ 67% reduction in CO 2 emissions, which is equivalent with savings of 220 tons CO 2 - equivalent for a typical landfill site (30,000 m²).


At the same time, the use of geosynthetics generate cost savings (see graph below)

This study shows

​The use of geosynthetics leads to: 

  • lower environmental impacts in all impact categories considered , except land competition which is about the same in both cases

  • 220 tons CO2-eq saving on a landfill with an area of 30,000m²

LCA Case 3

Cost comparison


Cross section


Carbon footprint

210211 LCA landfill construction.png

Environmental impact graph

Environmental impact graph landfill.png

Cost Comparison

LCA case 3 cost comparison.jpg
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